
2nd July 2024

Essex Police Rural Engagement Team Newsletter – June 2024

13th May 2024

24th April 2024

30th March 2024

Essex Police Rural Engagement Team Newsletter – March 2024

6th March 2024

28th February 2024

Essex Police – Rural Engagement Team Newsletter – February 2024

1st February 2024

Essex Police – Rural Engagement Newsletter – January 2024

23rd January 2024

13th January 2024

Essex Police – Rural Engagement Newsletter – December 2023

12th January 2024

10th January 2024

3rd January 2024

13th December 2023

Essex Police – Rural Engagement Newsletter – November 2023

25th September 2023

Essex Police – Rural Engagement Newsletter – September 2023

29th June 2023

Notice of Public Rights and Public of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return March 2023

17th May 2023

Essex Police – Rural Engagement Newsletter – April 2023

12th May 2023

5th May 2023

11th April 2023

5th May 2023

13th March 2023

12th March 2023

Parish Council Newsletter March 2023 – click here

10th March 2023

Bus Fare Increase on ECC Supported Services 01 April 2023

15th February 2023

For more information please visit Voter ID at Elections 2023 | Voter ID at Elections 2023 | Maldon District Council

1st February 2023

Essex Police – Rural Engagement Newsletter – January 2023

31st January 2023

Parish Council Newsletter January 2023 – click here

18th January 2023

Essex Police – Rural Engagement Newsletter December 2022

18th January 2023

Maldon District Residents Need Photo ID To Vote At Elections On 4 May 2023

For the first time, residents in Maldon District will need to show photographic ID to vote at this year’s local elections. Residents are being urged to make sure they are ready to vote in May by checking they have an accepted form of ID.

Accepted forms of ID include a UK, European Economic Area (EEA) or Commonwealth passport; a UK, EEA, or Commonwealth drivers’ licence; and some concessionary travel passes, such as an older person’s bus pass or an Oyster 60+ card. Voters will be able to use expired ID if they are still recognisable from the photo.

Anyone who does not have one of the accepted forms of ID will be able to apply for free ID online at or by completing a paper form.

The full list of accepted ID is available on the Electoral Commission’s website, along with more information about the new requirement and details of how to apply for the free ID, at

Ailsa Irvine, Director of Electoral Administration and Guidance, said:

“Anyone voting at a polling station in England this May will need to show photo ID before they can be given their ballot paper. It’s important that everyone understands what types of ID they can use, and how to apply for free ID if they need it. You can find information about the new requirement and what to expect at the polling station on the Electoral Commission’s website.”

Paul Dodson, Returning Officer at Maldon District Council, said:

“With elections taking place in Maldon District on 4 May 2023, it is important that those who want to vote make sure they have an accepted form of ID. It may seem early but checking now means you will be ready to vote in May.

“Residents who do not have one of the accepted forms of ID can apply for free ID either online or by completing a paper application form and sending this to Maldon District Council’s electoral services team. If you need any help with applying for the free ID or want to request an application form, contact the electoral services team on

Anyone who wants to have their say in the elections this May must also be registered to vote. It only takes five minutes to register online at Voters wishing to apply to their council for free ID should first make sure they are registered to vote.

The requirement to show photo ID at the polling station, is a new requirement, introduced by the UK Government’s Elections Act which was passed last year and comes into effect for the first time this May. 

18th January 2023

Time to get walking again!

With Spring on its way we start to think about getting out to walk in the beautiful English countryside again, but where to find new and interesting walks?

Walking in Essex has loads of walks to download and print, free, it also has books of walks, details of all the walking groups in the county and much more. Whether you want to walk on your own or with a group all the information is there in one place.

John Harris (who maintains the website) said ‘There is so much walking information on the web but it is difficult to find. Walking in Essex (part of the Walking in England website) has brought it together in one place so whether you are walking from home, or away on holiday, you will be able to find a walk suitable for you’.

With walks from half a mile to twelve miles plus long, and a note of suitability for pushchairs and wheelchairs, everyone can find a walk to enjoy.

So home or away, check out the websites and get walking!

John Harris

18th January 2023

9th January 2023

Local authorities across Essex have come together to tackle food waste in the County.

Maldon District Council are joining other local authorities across Essex to support Love Essex’s flagship ‘Love Essex, Love Food’ campaign in a bid to reduce food waste across Essex during 2023.

In Essex, food waste currently makes up roughly 25% of the waste found in the general rubbish.

Not only is this contributing to climate change, but it’s also a huge waste of money.

Did you know, the average Essex household wastes £60 a month by throwing away food that could have been eaten?

This is why Love Essex are giving residents the chance to win the equivalent amount in supermarket vouchers every month throughout the year.

All you need to do is sign the Essex Food Waste Pledge, and take part in the monthly challenges.

Councillor Penny Channer, Leader of Maldon District Council said, “I am pleased to join with our neighbouring authorities in Essex to support this important campaign and help reduce the amount of food waste produced in the County.

“I hope that the campaign will raise awareness of the importance of reducing food waste and help residents save more money during these difficult times and encourage residents in the District to sign the Essex Food Waste Pledge.”

To launch the campaign, Deadline Communications have created a humorous short film to highlight the issue of food waste. The film made the most of local talent, using Essex-based voice actors, puppeteers, and animators. It was filmed in a local studio in Rochford. The film premieres at 10am on Wednesday 11 January. Watch the film at

To find out more information or to sign the Essex Food Waste Pledge, visit

4th January 2023

Maldon District Council Launches Flexible Plastic (FPF) FlexCollect Trial

Over 6,500 homes in the Maldon District are to be part of new plastic bags and wrapping recycling pilot from January 2023.

Maldon District Council has been chosen to take part in a major pilot project for the collection of plastic bags and wrapping as part of normal recycling collections. Plastics such as plastic bags, confectionary wrappers, foil lined packaging, plastic film, bubble wrap, pet food pouches and more will be collected from approximately 6,500 households.

The new service will begin in January 2023 with selected households from across the Maldon District taking part. The initial trial will include a variety of family sizes and housing types and those selected to take part will be sent information on how to use the new plastic bags and wrapping collection service together with collection bags before the service starts.

This is the first year of a three-year trial which, if successful, will be expanded in October 2023, eventually rolling out to all households in the District by the end of 2024.

Plastic bags and wrapping are a considerable challenge as they represented 22% of all UK consumer plastic packaging in 2020 but only 8% was recycled[1]. At present, the only way to recycle plastic bags and wrapping is at supermarket front of store collection points. This trial will help change that by helping to make recycling plastic bags and wrapping more convenient for everyone which will increase the amount of packaging that the UK recycles.

Councillor Penny Channer, Leader of Maldon District Council said, “I am extremely pleased that our District has been chosen to be part of this trial, and the only authority in Essex to be chosen so far. This trial is another step towards making the District more environmentally sustainable and reducing our carbon footprint through the reduction of plastics going to landfill.

“While this is only a trial at the moment, I look forward to seeing this scheme rolled out to all residents by the end of 2024. I would like to thank officers in our Waste Services team at Maldon District Council, our waste collection contractor, SUEZ UK, and the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), for their work in bringing this exciting scheme to the Maldon District.”

Households not included in the trial can still dispose of plastic bags and wrapping by taking them to local supermarkets across the Maldon District.

For more information visit

[1] RECOUP Household Plastics Collection Survey 2021

8th December 2022

At the Parish Council Meeting on 30th November 2022, Councillors unanimously agreed to support a 20mph speed limit in Tolleshunt D’Arcy.

We will be supporting the 20s Plenty Campaign and will be writing to Essex County Council requesting that they adopt a 20mph speed limit as a default speed limit for urban and village roads in the County.

We will also be writing to neighbouring parishes to encourage them to support the Campaign and write to Essex County Council.

If you are supportive of the 20s Plenty Campaign, you can also write to Essex County Council.

More information on the 20s Plenty Campaign, please visit 20’s Plenty for Us (

8th December 2022

Tollesbury Pharmacy – Christmas and New Year Opening Times

8th December 2022

8th December 2022

Donate now at with collections taking place 6-8 January 2022.

For more info, call 01245 457411 or email

8th December 2022

Over the Christmas period, Suez UK will be making a few temporary changes to your waste collections 🎄

Please see the image below for more details, or you can visit the Maldon District Council website at

30th November 2022

Essex Police – Rural Engagement Team Newsletter – November 2022

21st November 2022

Please click here to view the Maldon District Winter Service Community Guide 2022

15th November 2022

Maldon District Council – News Release

Have Your Say! There’s Still Time to Complete the Council’s 
Residents and Business Survey 

There is still time to complete the Council’s residents and business survey and be in with a chance to win one of two £50 vouchers as a thank you for taking part. 

The annual Residents and Business Survey is available until Friday 25 November 2022. 

Responses have been flooding in, but the Council is appealing for as many responses as possible. Getting views from across the whole District helps the Council to set its priorities and plans for the future, and to prioritise the services that meet people’s needs. 

This is always important, but with rising energy bills looming and a cost-of-living crisis, the Council needs to know how best to support people and to understand what is causing most concern. 

Councillor Mrs Penny Channer, Leader of Maldon District Council, said; “I am encouraging as many residents and businesses as possible to complete our annual survey by going to 

“Gathering views directly from our community ensures that we are providing our services based on real feedback from the people who matter. 

“In order to do that, we need lots of responses from across the District so please take a few moments to let us know what you think about this Council and our unique District.”   

The survey is available until 25 November 2022 and can be completed by going to 

11th November 2022

A big thank you to Dawn and her team of Litter Pickers who have recently been out litter picking around the village. Your hard work is greatly appreciated by the village. THANK YOU !!!

31st October 2022

31st October 2022

News Release from Maldon District Council

FREE Parking Thursdays from 2pm in December 2022

Maldon District Council is pleased to announce there will be FREE parking in all public Maldon Town Centre car parks on Thursdays from 2pm on 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd December and all day on Christmas Eve!

In addition, parking will be free from 4pm on Thursday 24th November in public Maldon Town Centre car parks, to support the Maldon Christmas Fayre 2022.

Cllr Penny Channer, Leader of Maldon District Council, said; “It’s great to be able to support the Maldon High Street this year. We recognise that it continues to be a challenging time for all businesses in the District. Free parking in the run-up to Christmas will enable residents and visitors to the Town to shop local and shop safely. I encourage everyone to “keep it local” this year.”

The Council hopes that everyone will take advantage of these FREE parking afternoons and evenings in the run up to the festive season to shop local and help support the businesses in Maldon’s fantastic High Street.

Normal charges will apply in Promenade Park and at all other times during these periods.

28th October 2022

Tolleshunt D’Arcy Parish Council believes now is the time to put Civility and Respect at the Top of the Agenda and start a culture change for the local council sector.

Tolleshunt D’Arcy Parish Council will:
– Treat all councillors, clerk and all employees, members of the public, representatives of partner
organisations and volunteers with civility and respect in their role.
– Put in place a training programme for councillors and staff.
– Sign up to Code of Conduct for councillors.
– Have in place good governance arrangements in place including, staff contracts, and Dignity at
Work Policy.
– Commit to seek professional help at early stages should civility and respect issues arise.
– Commit to calling out bullying and harassment when if and when it happens.
– Continue to learn from best practice in the sector and aspire to being a role model / champion
council e.g., via Local Council Award Scheme.
– Support the continued lobbying for the change in legislation to support the Civility and Respect
Pledge including sanctions for elected members where appropriate.

For more information from the National Association of Local Councils please visit

28th October 2022

Essex Police – Rural Engagement Team Newsletter – October 2022

10th October 2022

Tolleshunt D’Arcy First Responders – Update

Good news to report!!!! – The Tolleshunt D’Arcy First Responders Volunteers have secured £1,500 in funding from the Cllr Durham Locality Fund towards the kit required for the First Responders – The total cost of the kit is £2,800. They have raised funds from various village events and their JustGiving page.

If you would like more information or would like to give a donation, please contact the Parish Clerk on 07483 325853 or email who will be able to provide you with the contact details for the group.

5th October 2022

4th October 2022

Essex Police – Rural Engagement Team Newsletter – September 2022

4th October 2022

Have Your Say – Complete the Maldon District Residents and Business Survey and you could win £50!

Maldon District Council’s latest residents and business survey has gone live.

The survey is available between 3 October and 25 November and the Council is appealing for as many people as possible to complete it this year. It can be completed by going to and as a thank you, there are £50 gift vouchers up for grabs for two people who complete the survey.

It’s really key that there are lots of responses this year, so that the Council can plan for the future and prioritise the services that people need. We’re therefore contacting Parish and Town councils across the District in the hope that you can spread the word about the survey.  

Please take a few moments to let us know what you think about Maldon District Council and our unique District by going to and if you can spread the word amongst your community that would be greatly appreciated.

20th September 2022

We distribute food parcels based on items available at the time and welcome your feedback on items within the parcel. Unfortunately, at the moment we are unable to provide fresh produce.
The Village Larder is run by volunteers in Tollesbury & Tolleshunt D’Arcy. We distribute food donated by people in Tollesbury & Tolleshunt D’Arcy, who want to help others who are struggling with the cost-of-living increases.
We do not store personal data on people we support other than gender, age and items distributed.
If you need any additional support at this time, please see below a list of charities/organisations which you might find helpful:

Henry Smith’s Charity (Tolleshunt D’Arcy Estate) – provides grants to pensioners in Tolleshunt D’Arcy Parish who require financial assistance. Each application is treated in the strictest confidence.
To apply for a grant contact Gerry Munson at 01621 860 553 or Maggie Henderson at 01621 860 548

Tallier Charity Trust – Provides grants to people in Tollesbury who require financial help. Each application is treated in the strictest confidence
To apply for a grant contact Michelle Curtis (Secretary) at 01621 869 039

Tollesbury Climate Partnership – was set up by residents to reduce the impact of climate change and protect the village for future generations.
Energy Saving Cafe – Email:

Maldon Citizens Advice – Are the UK’S largest advice provider, they are equipped to deal with any issue, from anyone, spanning debt and employment to consumers and housing plus everything in between

Tel: 01621 875 774 Email:

Maldon and District Community Voluntary Services offer an essential support service for people in the community experiencing hardship coming out of the pandemic and in the current cost of living crisis.
Tel: 01621 851 891

Peabody Outreach Support – provide free one-to-one support, information and advice for people who need support with housing-related issues.
Tel: 0800 288 88 83 Email:

Health in Mind – offer free and confidential talking therapy and practical support for adults with common mental health problems including anxiety and depression
Tel: 01376 308 704 Email:

Essex Wellbeing Service – offer health checks, stop smoking services, weight management courses, and emotional health and wellbeing support.
Tel: 0300 303 99 88 Email:

14th September 2022

Following the death of Her Majesty the Queen, the Parish Council has purchased a floral tribute as a mark of respect. The Headteacher and children from St Nicholas CofE Primary School have laid the wreath at the Maypole.

Members of the public are invited to lay floral tributes at the Maypole.

During this period of mourning for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, please do not park around the Maypole.

10th September 2022

9th September 2022

2nd September 2022

Parish Council Newsletter August 2022 – click here

31st August 2022

Essex Police – Rural Engagement Newsletter – August 2022

19th August 2022

Before the school holidays, Cllr Barwick attended Tolleshunt D’Arcy Primary School to find out what new piece of play equipment the children would like at the Recreation Ground. The children had a vote and opted for a rotating seesaw. The Parish Council has submitted an application to the Essex County Council Community Initiatives Fund for a grant towards the new piece and equipment and safety surfacing. Fingers crossed !!!

9th August 2022

Essex Police – Newsletter Maldon – July 2022

8th August 2022

We are pleased to report that the refurbishment works on the roundabout have not been completed.

17th June 2022

7th June 2022

After consultation with the Tolleshunt D’Arcy Litter Pickers, the two open-top bins outside Rubys Restaurant and the bus shelter have been replaced with new closed-top bins. This will help reduce the litter on Tollesbury Road.

2nd June 2022

To celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee, we planted two roses and a plaque in the area near the shop.

24th May 2022

Essex Police – Rural Engagement Newsletter – May 2022

16th May 2022

16th May 2022

Parish Council Newsletter – May 2022 – click here

3rd May 2022

Thank you to all the businesses on Station Road Industrial Estate who kindly donated a new bench which is located by the Parish Council noticeboard.

25th April 2022

Essex Police – Maldon District Community Policing – March 2022

Essex Police Rural Engagement Team Newsletter – April 2022

15th April 2022

29th March 2022

9th March 2022

Essex Police – Local Update – Maldon – February 2022

Essex Police – Rural Engagement Team Newsletter – March 2022

25th February 2022

Parish Council Newsletter – February 2022 – click here

23rd February 2022

22nd February 2022

8th February 2022

Essex Police – Maldon – Newsletter January 2022

28th January 2022

Essex Community Watch – January 2022

Essex Marine Watch Newsletter – January 2022

Lets Talk about MARINE Crime – 5 Top Tips

Essex Police – Organised Crime Newsletter – Dog Theft – January 2022

19th January 2022

Essex Police – Maldon – Newsletter December 2021

27th December 2021

Christmas and New Year Waste Collections 2021/22

27th December 2021

This edition looks at how Essex has shown strength and resilience during a difficult year, how the PFCC has supported the #SeeYouSafer campaign and information about public meetings next year in both Colchester and Maldon with the Commissioner via online Facebook live sessions. You can read this latest issue here.

27th December 2021

Violence & Vulnerability Unit The latest edition of Essex Police’s Violence & Vulnerability Unit newsletter provides an update on the VVU grants that have been awarded. In other news, it also gives a reminder about the dangers that drugs supply chains pose to children vulnerable to exploitation and news about operation Sceptre, which aims to combat knife crime across our county. You can read the 31st edition on our website – Violence & Vulnerability Unit Newsletter

22nd October 2021

Parish Council Newsletter – October 2021 – click here

18th October 2021

Essex Police – Maldon – September 2021 – Newsletter

19th April 2021

17th February 2021

15th July 2020

15th June 2020

15th May 2020

Protecting yourself and others from COVID-19

Stay at home

  • Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (where this absolutely cannot be done from home)
  • Stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home

You can spread the virus even if you don’t have symptoms.

For full guidance from the government on staying at home and away from others, please visit the governments website

26th March 2020

26 March 2020

Maldon District Council to Provide Free Car Parking for NHS and Social Care Staff

In line with Government Pledge and with immediate effect, Maldon District Council will be offering free parking in all town centre car parks for health workers, social care workers and NHS volunteers.

This comes as the Local Government Secretary has agreed local Councils will also offer free car parking to all NHS workers and social care staff during the coronavirus outbreak.

Cllr Adrian Fluker, Leader of Maldon District Council, said; “We are all aware of the amazing contribution that NHS staff, Care workers and NHS volunteers across this District are making to help fight the Coronavirus.  We are pleased, therefore, to join with Councils up and down the Country to offer this free parking concession and provide just one less thing for the staff to worry about when they need to shop for their groceries.” 

Please display a compliment slip or similar, of the organisation you work for in the windscreen of your vehicle so that your vehicle can be identified as eligible of free parking.

Posted 24th March 2020

Posted 21st March 2020

Posted 20th March 2020

Posted 18th March 2020

Posted 18th March 2020

Posted 18th March 2020
